Welcome to the Dwight Library Blog. Here we can provide you with very current information on Library activities and programs. With an extensive collection, hi-speed wireless computer access, we are truly the heart of the community.Please visit our official website for both Lake of Bays Libraries at www.lakeofbayslibrary.ca

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

More than Books

Our library is about a lot more than "just books."  (although we don't believe one can ever refer to the magical worlds between the covers as "just books")

We have e-resources, employment assistance, tutoring classes, computer classes, internet access, dvds, cds, magazines and newspapers.

We have a cosy corner for the adults to settle in to read by the fire, with a cup of coffee or tea to hand.

We have snuggly spots for the youngsters to enjoy while they embark on tremendous voyages of discovery -- in books.

We've got a place to gather for the teens, complete with a Wii system and a terrific collection of books for young adults. Since we brought in the Wii, we find we've brought in the teens, and they in turn have taken out the books. It's working well.
There's a spot for adults to meet, and spend time chatting with their neighbours.  It's not at all unusual to find a handful of people bringing their lunch here, to socialize and mingle, and maybe take home another novel.

Another corner for folks to set up their computers and access the high speed internet services we provide.  We have e-readers, and you can access our e-library on your own devices too.

And we have our very own small store, with interesting and unusual gifts.

Some of those gifts include books by local authors, photos and paintings by local artists, jewellry made by local children, handmade soaps produced by local artisans.  There are cards for all occasions, too, made locally.

This is the time of year we are reminded about connections and families.  Drop by, and become part of our library family.

Peggy would be delighted to welcome you home to the Library -- and you'll be delighted by what you find inside our walls.

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