Welcome to the Dwight Library Blog. Here we can provide you with very current information on Library activities and programs. With an extensive collection, hi-speed wireless computer access, we are truly the heart of the community.Please visit our official website for both Lake of Bays Libraries at www.lakeofbayslibrary.ca

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hallowe'en is not about how much candy you can score at the door...  It's a great opportunity to spend time with the kids, have some fun designing costumes, decorating the house... maybe even reflecting on the historic origins of the day, and just having fun family times. Memories that last...

So come join us to make some of those great memories...

October 29th, from 10.30 to 11.30 a.m.

Erika's Wild Flour Bakery has generously donated the cupcakes... all we need are the Kids, aged 5 and up, to decorate their own cupcakes to bring home.

(Children younger than 5 can come too, but need to supervised by a parent)

Please sign up at the Library, or by calling Peggy or Cathy or Elaine, at 705 635 3319.



we've got two categories -- best decorated (it could be the scariest pie, funniest, silliest...  Like the Library, your imagination should be a Place Unbound

-- and best tasting...  go dig out Mom or Grandma's most famous recipe, and give it your own tasty twist.

Judging takes place Fri. Oct. 28th at the Kids Halloween Dance Party, so please drop off your pies between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Oct. 28th.

We think it will just be BOO-tiful!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


It's that wonderfully spooky time of year!

Join us at the Dwight Community Centre, October 28th, for a Costume Party, children ages 0 - 13, from 6.30 till 8.30 p.m.

There's no charge for admission -- we've got great prizes for costumes, and other cool events.  Not only that, we'll be handing out prizes for the Pumpkin Pie contest. Prizes are in two categories:
a) Scariest Pumpkin Pie
b) Tastiest Pumpkin Pie.
This is a great place to bring your little witches, star-troopers, ghosts, goblins, princesses, tramps and superheroes (and all the rest of that great cast of characters) for a  fun Hallowe'en evening with your friends and neighbours.

Thanks so much to Ann-Marie Boehm Tapley, the Lions' Club and the Library for pulling together to make this happen.

A Place Unbound!

It is Library Week in Ontario... Oct. 16 - 23.

Come on in and discover that we are so much more than BOOKS!  Check out our DVD and CD collection; magazine collection; and give a try to one of the Kindle or Kobo e-readers.  If you've never handled one of these, Cathy will be happy to walk you gently through the introduction.

Books for the e-readers can be "borrowed" from your Library... You can access your Dwight library while on Vacation in the South, for instance, and still 'check out' a book to your e-reader.

We also provide a meeting place, a youth section, computers and instruction in computers, high speed internet access, employment services, children's programs (including drama and writing workshops), literacy programs...

Oh yes, we've also got BOOKS!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Write Stuff

 Everybody has stories. Getting them out of your head and onto the page is the trick.

This workshop, geared to kids aged 10 to 13, will help you do just that.

It's FREE (just like your imagination!) but space is limited, so sign up now!

From Oct. 18 to Dec. 6, 4.30 to 6 p.m. at the Dwight Library, it's a fun opportunity to learn about writing techniques that will help you get your voice onto paper.

705 635 3319.

Special thanks to the Toronto Dominion Bank for jumping in to sponsor this program, for materials.  TD Bank is a huge supporter of our summer reading program as well, and we are beyond delighted to have them 'on board' for the writing workshop!