Welcome to the Dwight Library Blog. Here we can provide you with very current information on Library activities and programs. With an extensive collection, hi-speed wireless computer access, we are truly the heart of the community.Please visit our official website for both Lake of Bays Libraries at www.lakeofbayslibrary.ca

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friends for Life, Quilts Forever

The Dwight Library is blessed with so many Friends for Life that they have undertaken another commemorative quilt. The original hangs in the Muskoka Room: each book in the quilt has an embroidered name representing one of the lifetime members of the Dwight Friends of the Library.

Spearheaded by Barb and Julia, the new quilt is almost ready to be pieced together, and we are now in the process of taking names. If you would like to see your name embroidered on this new and very beautiful quilt, please see Peggy or Cathy at the Library. A lifetime membership is only $100.00 and brings joy to so many for so many years. We think it's the best investment around.

The quilt is beautiful, stitched by hand -- and we are so grateful for our friends who support the Library in so many ways, and who have produced this piece of art for us.

Side by Side

The theatre program that has been running this spring is drawing to its close -- for now...

On June 2nd, at 7 p.m. (please be seated by 6.45!) at the Community Centre, the The Dwight Kidplayhouse Players will be presenting examples of the fun they've had and the crafts they've learned. It is titled Side By Side, and is a a group of scenes, some live acting, some puppet acting with two or three kids per scene on various subjects as their interests dictated. For example, two young folk wanted to explore Shakespeare. A few young lads were interested in mighty warrior stuff. You can imagine the diversity.

Glenn Copeland admonishes that one should not consider it a production in the common sense of the word. It's not about a script, or memorizing lines... it's not about entering from upstage left, or hitting the mark stage right... or voices off... It's about all of that and so much more, because what they've been working on has been about developing and exploring as many different aspects of their own creativity as possible without having to have a goal in mind.

Glenn reports that he and his wife Elizabeth, along with Adrienne Starr and Dave and Lisa Walton have been having a wonderful time with these kids. The whole program has been process rather than performance oriented. And part of that process has been trying to develop a sense of community with them. There were only two guidelines: The first is to respect each other. The second is to take care of each other.

The journey has been great fun, and the production is just a temporary stop on the road. If there is enough interest, a summer two week long program is in the works. Possibly even a workshop series for adults if there are any takers!

Special thanks must go to the Dorset Lion's Club, who provided support for five children to attend this program. We are all grateful.

All the world's a stage, and exploring that world is what Kidplayhouse Theatre is all about.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Friends are the Best

The Dwight Friends of the Library met for their AGM last evening at Spring Lake Resort. Thanks must go out to Irene for hosting this, and for letting us be a little bit rowdy with a lot of laughter. As I was leaving the meeting I was stopped by a couple at another table who were all smiles, and had been trying to guess what group was meeting. "You are certainly having a wonderful time," they said cheerfully. They were here from Vermont, and heading into the Park to go Moose Watching, but they'd also enjoyed a little local colour on the way!

Good fellowship, good fun, good food and a good meeting ensued. Kelly whipped through the business part of the meeting, Peggy put forward her Wish List budget, Anne Marie reported on the very successful Archery Tournament (we had people as young as 8, and from as far away as Warren, Ontario, 89 of them in total!)
People are already calling about next year's Archery tournament, and asking if there could be another one in the fall. This is a tremendously popular event, and we are very grateful to the Tapley's at Logging Chain and to the Shields' for all the work they put into it. At the dinner we learned that a new target, a 6' tall standing bear, didn't make it through the night after being placed on course the day before. Another bear, a real one this time, took exception to this "intruder" in his territory, and literally tore the target bear in half. Bill and Ross are still looking for half of their bear... Around $3000.00 was raised for library projects through this fundraiser, so very very many thanks!
Barbara and Julia showed off one of the panels of the quilt that is currently being put together to honour the lifetime members of the Friends. One of these quilts already hangs in the library, with each member's name embroidered on a book spine. We have more friends, so it was time for a new quilt! The new
quilt be on display at the library, and if you would like to be part of this, please see Peggy. A Lifetime Membership is only $100.00 and helps our library provide literacy skills for life in a comfortable inviting setting: there can be no better investment.
Another project undertaken by the Friends involved bringing a Wii into the library. At first blush, this would seem to take away from the focus on reading, encouraging computer gaming instead, but Peggy reports that the books are now just flying off the shelves. Thanks to creative displays that put a selection of youth books in the same room as the Wii, librarians find that the kids pick up the books. Maybe just one... then they come back for the Wii, and pick up another book. Then two... and now Peggy says it is quite common for the Gamers to be heading out of the library with four or five books at a time.
The Dwight library is very blessed to have such a vibrant, involved group of Friends, and our thanks go out to each and every one of you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

AGM, Friends of the Library

The Annual General meeting of the Dwight Friends of the Library takes place on Wednesday May 23rd at Spring Lake Resort, at 6 p.m.

Anyone interested in attending, please call the library to register.

What a Wonderful Day

Despite rain that swept in over the lunch break, the 3D Archery Tournament run by the Dwight Friends of the Library on May 2nd was a huge success.
Thank you to the Friends, who came out to volunteer on the day, providing us with everything from scorers to chili-makers (three different types of chili, including veggie chili and spicy moose chili!)
Thank you of course to Logging Chain Lodge, and especially to Ross and Anne Marie who provided us with such an excellent venue, and who worked overtime to ensure the target lanes were in perfect condition.
There are more photos over on the Bondi Resort Blog, including a great one of Kelly, one of our valued library "Friends" trying her hand with a bow!
Peggy, despite her vow that she would spend the day in the Chair Blind which was donated for the raffle, was out and about. Perhaps because the blind was just jumping with a whole passle of young ladies who were giggling inside it during one of the storm showers!

89 participants registered to try their aim on the 20 target course. All ages were represented, and it was wonderful to see the young girls and lads shooting target side by side with their parents and grandparents! Truly, a sport for everyone!
All styles of bows were on display, and the rain didn't dampen anyone's spirits!
Thanks to everyone for helping with this, and for attending. We look forward to seeing all of you -- and your friends and some newcomers -- out for the Third Annual Tournament NEXT spring!